
Well Fuck It All Then: Matt Reeves Won’t Be Directing ‘The Batman’ Either

Back to the ol’ Bat Drawing Board.

Look, I like to think I’ve been pretty fair with the DC Cinematic Universe so far. Not so much with my overall impressions of the film (they are pretty damn poor, you guys) but with the universe’s current state of development. Though people were quick to completely lose it over the idea of the standalone Batman movie losing Ben Affleck as a director, I was still cautiously optimistic. After all, a great director jumping on board the project could have easily saved the entire thing and, hell, maybe even make it even better than Affleck would have if he remained on-board. Warner clearly views Batman as their sole fire extinguisher in this massive dumpster fire, and I had to believe the studio was going to make CERTAIN this one would actually work.

But now? I’m not so sure. In fact, I’m becoming increasingly disillusioned with this whole endeavor every passing day.

Because it really does feel like bad news keeps piling up for the DC Universe, especially when it comes to The Batman. Sure, the big one was indeed Affleck leaving as director, but a pretty massive (and, for what it’s worth, rather unsubstantiated) rumor claims that Affleck wants out for good, and is trying desperately to flee this whole enterprise. At first, I couldn’t possibly see it: after all, the project had JUST found a new director, so why would Affleck want to jump ship so soon? Apparently though, that assumption was built on a big ol’ web of lies, because The Batman does NOT have a new director. Not at all, in fact.

Because a real Hollywood rarity has happened here: talks have broken down between the studio and its hire, which means War for the Planet of the Apes director Matt Reeves will no longer direct The Batman as previously reported. Yes, this is a massive bummer to me as a huge fan of the new Apes trilogy, but I’m sure it’s an even bigger bummer for DC and Warner Bros., who desperately need a win here in order to restore public faith in the brand. The fact that ANOTHER director has left a DC/WB film just continues to poison the well.

But going back to me for a second: I don’t know where I stand with this film at this point. I was looking forward to it when Affleck was attached to direct, and even more so when Matt Reeves took his place. But now that BOTH no longer feel comfortable directing the movie, a part of me can’t help but feel worried about this entire thing (especially when you consider the fact that it was “creative difficulties” that caused the latter to leave, rather than salary or scheduling issues.) If WB wants to really get people like me back on board, they better find one hell of a director to do it.

And, no, Warner Bros — that does not include Mel Gibson. Now that’s just silly.

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